Friday, May 05, 2006

can we all just agree that "snakes on a plane" is a pretty useful expression?

although there is some contention over the actual meaning of the phrase, i think we can all agree that it clearly means, "the worst idea in the history of human ideas." because, seriously, snakes? on a plane?

here, i'll demonstrate.

sarah: "yeah, i have to meet with meow today. snakes on a plane, dude, snakes on a plane."

additionally, it can be abbreviated as s.o.a.p., if necessary, and in this way, a person and her friend can exchange covert judgements about a situation. observe:

person: so yeah, that was pretty much her idea. what do you think?
her friend (brightly): um...soap? [it should be noted that the periods in "s.o.a.p." are lost in transcription.]
person (relieved): yeah, that's what i thought too.

see, it is brilliant. the use of this expression is anti-soap, my friends.

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