so the other day i was riding my bike, and it was totally beautiful outside, and i was happy. i needed to get from the right side of the right lane into the left lane so that i could turn left at the light that was coming up. so i looked over my shoulder, and saw that there was no one behind me, and started over and ALLOFTHESUDDEN there was a fancy little sports car RIGHT BEHIND ME and the driver was leaning on his horn. not just honking a little bit, but depressing it for a sustained and excessive period of time. (in case you were wondering, having a car horn right behind a person when a person is on two wheels doesn't generally make a person safer, steadier, or more likely to do what you want them to.)
then the fancy little sports car driver got tired of tailgating me while leaning on his horn, apparently, because he zoomed past me into the other lane where...wait for it...we ended up waiting for the same light together anyway. he took this opporunity to stick his entire upper body out of the window of his car, glare at me in a vile manner, and spit, "BITCH."
i just looked at him, because i was pretty unprepared for the whole situation (it was a sunny day and i had looked behind me! it wasn't my fault that he was speeding and thus well poised to sneak up behind people! sheesh!) and then the man stopped right beside me leaned down from his tall truck cab and said, "it's okay, baby" in such a kind way that it made me feel better.
but damn, dude, don't be so agro if you're in a car. some cyclists travel with their locks in their back pockets just for people like you.
3 years ago
sounds shitty.. but he coulda been a misogynist, or a misanthrope.
neither are acceptable excuses. the end.
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