amigos con derechos / sin derecho de tenerte siempre / y siempre tengo que esperarte paciente
ay. entiendo ese problema.
*todos mis amigos mexicanos me burlan por amar a maná. uds. pueden también; no me molestará. solamente escuchará a la musica fabulosa de maná...sí.
okay, amigos que no hablan español, it's c.w.a.j.a.?. translatin' time! labios compartidos means "shared lips," and the song is about a situation of, um, friends-with-benefits,* or, as they apparently say en español, "friends with rights." (seriously, that's what amigos con derechos means!) as we all know, either from life experience, or by reading about this sort of thing in a book one time, amigos con derechos can be a really difficult way to do things. especially if you are more into the person than they are into you, which is the situation described in the song. so labios compartidos is about that. does that clear things up a little bit?
*i hate that term, btw.
more on c.w.a.j.a.?. about "labios compartidos" / más en ¿p.e.d.a.?. acerca de "labios compartidos":
the excellence of maná / la excelencia de maná
lyrics and translation / letras y traducción
3 years ago
ok, so like, I took four years of spanish, and I can't figure out what you're trying to say. babelfish came up with a similar translation...
thanks for the babelfish tip——that made me laugh pretty hard.
i'm talking about a song called "labios compartidos" by a mexican pop-rock band called maná.
well, that helps quite a bit. how / where do you find mexican pop rock bands? I listen to salsa and reggaeton already..
maná is like the granddaddy of mexican pop rock. they've been around for thirty years or something crazy like that (think the rolling stones, but less leathery-looking.) i like ¿dónde jugarán los niños? a lot, if you're looking for an album with which to begin.
also, most of their songs are fairly clearly sung, so you can totally pick up más español just by rocking out. you win again!
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