Tuesday, January 22, 2008

non-native spanish speakers say stupid things / hispanohablantes non-nativos dicen cosas tontas

1. dicho: "estamos verde por las llaves."
significado: "[las montañas] son verdes por la lluvia."

2. persona #1: [hablando de un muchacho de 18 años subidiendo en piedras altas] "¡no tiene miedo!"
persona #2 [yo]: "¡así son los hombres de ochenta años!"


1. said: "we are green because of the keys."
meant: "[the mountains] they are green because of the rain."

2. person #1: [talking about an 18-year-old boy climbing on high rocks] "he doesn't have fear!"
person #2 [me]: "that's how eighty-year-old men are!"

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